

4 Ways K-Beauty Repairs & Protects Your Skin Barrier & Why

4 Ways K-Beauty Repairs & Protects Your Skin Barrier & Why

Treating fine lines, sagging, hyperpigmentation, and acne are obvious skin care goals, but many people don’t realize the importance of giving your skin’s natural barrier daily attention. The skin’s top layers are the absolute first line of defense against the sun, weather, pollution, irritants, h...
K-Beauty Skin Care Solutions for Women in Their 40’s

K-Beauty Skin Care Solutions for Women in Their 40’s

No matter what age we are, putting our best face forward is always a priority. But once we hit that middle-age milestone, it’s not so easy. From decades of UV damage to hormonal changes that affect skin texture and elasticity, the signs of aging become more obvious in our 40’s. Making the pivot f...